The Resilient Araceae Family: A Guide to Indoor Plants

The Araceae family boasts a variety of plant genera known for their resilience, particularly in indoor settings with moderate to low light conditions. Among these esteemed members are several highly popular genera, celebrated for their ability to thrive despite limited light exposure: Syngonium spp. (Arrowhead plants), Aglaonema spp. (Chinese evergreens), Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ plant), and Monstera deliciosa (Swiss cheese plant). These plants serve as excellent recommendations for those who may not possess a green thumb when it comes to indoor plant care.

Another noteworthy species within the Araceae family deserving of recognition for its resilience is the peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii), also known as the white flag or spath. Originating from Central and South America, it is a common sight in countless indoor spaces, including homes, offices, restaurants, and various landscaped areas. Its affordability, rapid growth, and ubiquitous availability in florist shops and nurseries have contributed to its popularity, further enhanced by its ease of cultivation.

Introduction to the Peace Lily

The peace lily, with its alternate names including “lily of peace” or “Moses in the cradle,” is often hailed by plant enthusiasts for its ability to thrive and teach even the most inexperienced gardener. According to Milagro Jimena, a nutrition specialist with a penchant for plants, the peace lily possesses a unique talent for instructing through its anatomy. Jimena shares anecdotes of her own experiences, including her son’s nickname for the plant as “the hysterical plant,” owing to its drooping leaves when in need of water. She humorously recounts placing the plant in front of the television as a reminder for her husband to water it during their travels. This anecdote illustrates the peace lily’s ability to communicate its needs through physical cues.

Understanding Peace Lily Care

Proper care is essential to ensure the health and vitality of the peace lily. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent water stress, which can lead to root rot and other diseases. While the peace lily is known for its resilience, it is still susceptible to the negative effects of overwatering.

Light Requirements

The peace lily thrives in indirect sunlight and benefits from being placed near a window. It can tolerate lower light conditions but may experience decreased foliage and flowering in such environments. Upon bringing a peace lily home from a nursery, it is important to note that its lighting conditions will change, potentially resulting in leaf loss as it adjusts to its new environment. Observing and adjusting its placement accordingly can help mitigate stress and ensure optimal growth.

Nutritional Needs

As a prolific flowering plant capable of rapid leaf growth, the peace lily benefits from regular fertilization with organic liquid fertilizer, preferably monthly. While the plant can survive without fertilization, regular feeding encourages robust growth and flowering. Neglecting fertilization may result in diminished foliage and flowering, though the plant will likely survive with minimal care.

Varieties of Peace Lily

The peace lily comes in various cultivars, ranging from compact varieties like ‘Yess’ and ‘Chopin,’ which typically reach heights of no more than 50 centimeters, to larger cultivars such as Mauna Loa or Sensation, with leaves spanning up to a meter in height. This diversity allows for flexibility in choosing the perfect size for different spaces, whether small corners or larger rooms.

The Peace Lily as an Air Purifier

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the peace lily is reputed for its purported air-purifying properties. Numerous laboratory studies have highlighted its ability to absorb harmful compounds such as benzene, earning it recognition as an effective air purifier. Thus, beyond its role as a decorative plant, the peace lily also contributes to creating a healthier indoor environment.


The peace lily, with its resilience, beauty, and air-purifying capabilities, stands as a testament to the remarkable diversity and adaptability of the Araceae family. From its ability to thrive in low-light conditions to its role as a teacher for novice gardeners, the peace lily continues to enchant and educate plant enthusiasts worldwide. By understanding and meeting its basic care requirements, anyone can enjoy the elegance and benefits of this beloved indoor plant. Whether adorning homes, offices, or public spaces, the peace lily remains a symbol of tranquility and natural beauty.

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